Rising prices, new Chinese brands and factories: what awaits Kazakhstan’s car market in 2024

Many car owners and those who are just planning to buy a car are interested in how the market situation will change in 2024. It is not easy to answer this question, given the rapid development of the global car industry, which, of course, affects prices.

Alexey Alexeev, editor-in-chief of Za Rulem magazine in Kazakhstan, believes that several new Chinese car brands will appear in Kazakhstan in 2024. Also next year, the official sale of electric cars from China will begin.

“By the end of the year will launch at least two auto plants for the production of Chinese cars, it is five or six new Kazakhstani models. After the launch of the plants, we can expect the resumption of the soft loan program, but this is only a dream,” says the expert.

He notes that in 2024 the growth trend of Chinese car sales will continue. Chevrolet, Kia, Hyundai and Toyota sales are also expected to be big.

At the same time, LADA and Renault sales fell in 2023. This is due to the fact that supplies of both car brands have been disrupted, the expert explains.

As for prices, it is very difficult to predict them. On average, cars in Kazakhstan have gone up in price by 10 percent over the past year, Alexei Alexeev notes.

“Everything will depend on the economic situation, as well as the number of offers. High demand may provoke a rise in prices, but the time of shortages has passed, sales will grow, and prices will rise, but only slightly. Usually, each new model is automatically more expensive than the previous one due to a larger set of options and improvements in units and assemblies. This affects the price more, but there is nothing we can do about it, the manufacturer raises the selling price, that’s all,” the expert said.

In general, 2023 was rich in big events in the automotive sector of Kazakhstan, the expert believes.

“The construction of three automobile plants at once began. Several new Chinese car brands entered our market, it affected the development of the industry and sales. At the end of the year, five or six Chinese models will take a place in the top 10 in sales. This is a trend, and it will continue in 2024.

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