The most popular Chinese cars with mileage in Russia are named

Data from Avtostat-Info

In November 2023, 13,685 used cars made in China were sold in Russia, according to the analytical agency Avtostat-Info. This number represents only 2.5% of the total volume of the secondary car market, which amounted to 550,718 units. Sales increased by 49.5% year-on-year (9,152 units).

According to data for January-October, 131,990 used Chinese cars were sold in Russia during this period. This is an increase of 45.6% compared to the same period of 2022, when 90,675 cars from China were sold.

Among Chinese cars on the secondary market, Chery brand cars were the most popular in November. During this month, 3,912 used cars of this brand were sold, which is 46% more than in November 2022 (2,685 units). In second place, with a noticeable increase in sales by 58% (3,091 units), was Geely. Lifan closed the top three, with a 4% increase in sales, from 1,878 to 1,956 units in November.

Data for the period from January to November show that 38,634 used Chery cars were sold, up 40% year-on-year. Used Geely sales for 11 months totaled 30,409 units (+59%), while Lifan increased its figures by 13%, with 20,929 vehicles sold.

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