7 times more: Chinese car shipments to Russia skyrocketed in just one year

Revenue grew from 1.6 to 11.5 billion dollars

According to the Chinese General Administration of Customs (GAC), 7.2 times more cars from China were imported to Russia in 2023 than in the previous year. The total number of imported cars exceeded 800,000 units.

GTU data also indicates a significant increase in the monetary volume from the export of passenger cars and other vehicles for the transportation of people from China to Russia. This volume reached $11.5 billion in 2023, up from $1.6 billion in 2022.

As for electric vehicles, 8.5 thousand units totaling $262.6 million were delivered to Russia in 2023. This is a significant increase compared to 2022, when 3.1 thousand units totaling $53.4 million were delivered.

In early January, it was also noted that China became the world’s largest exporter of automobiles, sending 5.26 million autos abroad.

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